
Evercity platform automates management, issuance and monitoring of sustainable finance
Sustainable Finance
Impact Investing


For 2 years we’ve been helping to create and optimize main product’s scenarios along with developing a design system
Our task was to carry Evercity through investment rounds by providing design and frontend-development. We entered the project at an early stage and have been working with the client’s team on a daily basis since then.
Preparation of the demo presentation for the United Nations Climate Change conference (COP) 2021, Glasgow. Watch the video
Client’s honors

Taxonomy screening

We have designed a solution that creates reports based on the EU Taxonomy standards
Core functionality for the registered users: step-by-step filling out forms, onboarding, sheets, diagram visualization of results, generation of reports in the .pdf/.csv formats. Since the start of the project we have been going the extra mile: consulting experts, studying EU documentation and constantly iterating user-friendly UX/UI solutions.


A map-based visualization tool that allows to check the project's geographical location against ESG risks
Risk assessment is important to both investors and business owners. The map is based on the enormous dataset and displays info about tsunami, wildfire, and other ecological events. We customized the Mapbox map: created design styles, made icons, developed filters and the feature for switching between map layers.

Carbon origination platform

The user experience is tailored to each type of carbon credit creator and combine step-by-step guide with impact indicator data base
We also developed and designed a publicly available set of features: detailed showcase pages for listing projects and carbon credits. Public page for each project was made as a standard template with customizing opportunities. We carefully designed the assets and layout to create unique and simple view.

Framework builder

We devised a simple step-by-step solution in a form of a questionnaire. As a result, users get a completed framework document
Together with Evercity we scaled Framework design further and built a simular solution to generate a Project Idea Note — a first step of assessment of new climate protection project.

Give a recommendation or ask a question by commenting on a specific input, image, or other content blocks on a page. The information will be processed iteratively, stage by stage. It allows to optimize a complex process into the transparent user-friendly experience.

Design system

Using a «build-first» approach, we quickly constructed a full-scale design system based on the Ant Design framework
Table layouts
Tables in Evercity are more than just rows and columns — we used them as a navigation and interactive tool to make the information most useful.
Navigation tabs
Every process you start in Evercity will be composed of many steps, so tabs is a core feature that helps users manage tasks and organize their work. Tabs also give people a bird’s-eye view of an entire process at once.


Curves team helped us create a design system for Evercity’s sustainable finance platform that is both visually stunning and user-friendly. Their team was responsive, efficient, and always delivered high-quality work. We had a great experience working with Curves and would definitely want to team up with them again in the future!
Alexey Shadrin
Founder and CEO


Marina Favstritskaya
Ksenia Khoroshkeeva
Egor Sokolov
Artem Fokin
Anna Egorova
Yulia Myshlyaeva